Jul 27, 2021
K2 Buddy Solarpanel - Schneeüberwachung IoT-Gerätemanagementplattform – K2 Systems GmbH Die HerausforderungSchwerwetterereignisse treten immer häufiger auf. Insbesondere starke Schneefälle können sich in diesem Zusammenhang negativ auf PV-Anlagen auswirken und deren...
May 28, 2020
Sfella Legionella Prevention IoT Device Management Platform - Van Mierlo Engineering The challengeThe key to preventing Legionnaires’ disease is regular flushing of water systems. Public showers in sports centres, swimming pools are used irregularly and therefore...
May 20, 2020
Strijp-S Smart Lighting Smart City and Mobility - VolkerWessels The challengePublic lighting, parking systems, vehicle chargers, air and groundwater quality, sound alerts, and weather are just some of the vertical solutions installed at Strijp-S. It makes...
Aug 26, 2019
Ooma Home Security IoT Device Management Platform - Ooma The ChallengeOoma is delivering a home security solution to its customers. While developing the product and defining the best software architecture, they searched for the best open source solutions and...
Feb 21, 2019
Ooma is offering home security systems, for which it uses the OpenRemote platform as well as support from our development team with integration. More about Ooma Home Security