OpenRemote Wins Safety Innovation Competition

Nov 22, 2016 | Events

How do you convert larger, unstructured and changing data into intelligent data visualization? That was the theme of the Safety Innovation Competition (VIC) 2016, which today was won by OpenRemote with an innovation for Dutch Military Police at Schiphol Airport.

The government has huge amounts of data. From police, defense, the prison system, to the Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. This government data contains information that can keep the Netherlands safe and just. But how do you know what you need? How do you spot a trend, which relevant connections can you make? And above all, how do you get started with visualizations for our people and comply with all privacy rules? To get the answer, companies have been invited to think along. Those with the best idea receive 200,000 euros to convert this into a concrete product together with the government.